The Band:
Mike Von Gall - Composer, drummer, sound producer
Slava Voroshnin - Composer, keyboard and guitar player, sound producer
Phonogramma is a duo performing EDM mixed with techno and rock. Musicians of Phonogramma call their genre "fake rock", "techno pop", "Russian swing". Phonogramma is special for making collaborations with artists from all over the world. They feel free to be different, to mix styles and ideas and are proud of their production.
Phonogramma is a new project founded just at the beginning of 2020, so all greatest achievements are waiting ahead. It is worth mentioning that the debut track of Phonogramma got into national radio station Maximum, while their debut official music video got into MTV rotation.
Phonogramma plans to prepare a live-set and start performing offline. They also plan to release their first EP full of unexpected and brave collaborations.
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